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Datura Wrightii

This is for 10 fresh seeds off of my personal plants.

Huge 8 inch long and 5 inch wide blooms, stark white and rimmed with lavender, night blooming and sweetly scented. These pop right out of the darkest of nights.

Sacred Datura has a long history in Native American history and was used to “hex” and break “hexes.”

A really cool occurrence with this plant is that their sweet scent attracts sphinx and hawkmoths, a large, beautiful moth with a long proboscis that extracts nectar from the center of the flower. This is a fascinating and nightly occurrence.

The name Datura originates from the Hindu word “dhat,” meaning essence of God.

See my other listing for Datura Inoxia, a very similar plant that is solid white (no violet rim) with even larger blooms.

Note: All parts of these plants are poisonous to ingest. Buyer assumes liability. Be sure to not allow unsupervised children or pets around them.

Plant when temperatures are between 65 and 80 degrees. Tender Perennial (will grow year round in zones 9+)

Grows 2-3 feet tall and wide.

Growing Zones 9+, can be grown as an annual in zones 5-8 or brought indoors. These like warmth and humidity to sprout. In cooler climates, you may want to use a heat mat and cover pots with plastic wrap until they sprout, to retain humidity.

This is for 10 seeds.

All of my seeds are tested. Most of my seeds are fresh off of my own plants.

Detailed planting instructions included with every order.

I combine shipping on all seed orders, you pay one flat fee for as many seeds as you would like for no additional shipping. Orders over $35 for any combination of items in my shop ship for free!

All of my seeds are tested and guaranteed. Most of my seeds are fresh off of my own plants.

Sacred Fragrant Moon Flower

SKU: DA0310
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