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I saw these growing in a local sanctuary and I just had to have them. The pictures are beautiful but they still don't do them justice. These perfectly spherical little white puff balls are just immaculate and fragrant too! These are very attractive to pollinators. 

These like to grow in very moist soil to wet soil. They like part shade to full shade. They are best kept in an area that stays moist or even in a bog. They are grown in wetlands in the wild. I saw them growing in water here in Florida, but they are native to many US states. This is a great native plant to grow and very easy. Seeds sprout in only 7-14 days, with no special treatment necessary.

Surprisingly, they have a very broad range spanning across growing zones 5 to 11.

Grows 6-12 feet tall and 8 feet wide.

This is for 30 seeds.

I combine shipping on all seed orders, you pay one flat fee for as many seeds as you would like for no additional shipping. Orders over $35 for any combination of items in my shop ship for free!

All of my seeds are tested and guaranteed. Most of my seeds are fresh off of my own plants.

Beneficial US Native! 30 Buttonbush Seeds, Honey bells, Button Willow, Cephalant

SKU: CE9030

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